
teach me to heal myself


Constipation and the iron ball rubbing cure

Reference #: 453
Submit Date: 02 Jan 2003
Browse Category: constipation
Author: none
Email Address: none
Treatment used: stell ball or smoothsmall round rock
You can buy this remedy at: any food store
Remedy will cost you: unknown
Country of Remedy: USA
Remedy Source: The Tao of Health, Sex, and Longevity by Daniel Reid, Fireside Book, 1989
More Links about this Remedy: none
# Comments posted to this remedy: 0
Complaints Reported: 0
# of times remedy read: 6,615

Dosage Info:
Typical Dosage: unknown
Dosage should be related to weight: unknown
Dosages used in clinical trials are significant: unknown
Maximum dosages in relation to side effects and serious side effects: unknown
Other foods/nutrients/medications that can affect absorption or utilization: unknown
Foods that provide the nutrient recommended as a remedy (or reference giving same): unknown

Total # reviewers: 0
Average Rating: 0.00
Effectiveness: 0.00
No Side Effects: 0.00
Ease of Use: 0.00
Effective after long term use: 0.00
Cost Effectiveness: 0.00

Browse: constipation

Remedy Description

"If you suffer chronic gas and constipation, keep a smail steel ball

(chineses iron balls) or a smooth round rock near your bed. First

thing in the morning before rising roll that weight around your abdomen

in the direction of the colonic flow, that is from the lower right

corner of the rib cage, across the transverse colon, and back down the

left to the rectum.( Do this slowly) This is a excellent method for

expelling pockets of gas, losening impacted feces and stimulating the

bowel muscles to move prior to your first visit to the toliet."

This remedy can also be used for:

chronic gas, colon