How Nobels are Awarded

The Nobel committe does not accept publc nominations for the Nobel prize instead it accepts nominations from its own internal committees.

The Physiology or Medical nominating committee, the Swedish Academy of Medicine consists of five members and is selected by the Nobel Assembly. The Nobel Assembly, which consists of 50 members is selected by the Karolinska Institutet of Sweden and more links

The Academy nominating comittee first asks seveal thousand people to nominate canidates for a nobel. The submission deadline for nominations for Medicine is January 31st.

Self-nominations and nominations of deceased people are disqualified. The names of the nominees are never publicly announced, and neither are they told that they have been considered for the Prize. Nomination records are sealed for 50 years.

After the deadline has passed, the nominations are screened by the 5 member Academy committee, and a list is produced of approximately 200 preliminary candidates. This list is forwarded to selected experts in the relevant field. They remove all but approximately 15 names.

The committee submits a report with recommendations to the The Assembly for Medicine has 50 members. The institution members then select prize winners by vote.

The medical Laureates recieve their Nobel prize on December 10 in Stockholm, Sweden on the anniversary of Alfred Nobel's death.