If your a from North & South America your not human
according to the bible.
Sadly, the Church at first didn't consider the "Indians" to be human beings, since the Bible made no mention of a "redskinned" people. The Biblical account of creation only described the three continents of Europe, Asia, and Africa, each occupied by the offspring of Noah's three sons who survived the flood. From Shem, given the Semitic land, came the Arabs, Hebrews, and Syrians; from Ham came the Libyans, Egyptians, and Africans; and from Japheth came the peoples of Europe and Asia. Eventually the Church granted that the Indians were human. In 1512, Pope Giuliana della Rovere, Julius II, officially declared that the New World's Indians were true descendants of Adam and Eve and thus must have come from the Old World's Garden of Eden. Pope Julius was reassured in his declaration by the fact that the Indians believed in the immortality of the soul. The Spanish called the Indians "gente Colorado," which means "colored people" as opposed to "white" Europeans. But since Col- orado also means "red" in Spanish, the dubious term "redskin" came into being. The Indians, of course, actually have a wide range of skin color. Editor: I've always found it strange that the slavery is not in the top ten evil list in the 10 commandmends. You would think it would be considering the jews were escaping from slavery in Egypt. In the bible there are even rules on how to treat your slaves. Also in the Bible(Genesis 1:16) the it says the sun and the moon are two light souces created by god.. The moon is not a light souce, it is bright cause it reflects the sun. Genesis 1:16, which reads: "God made two great lights -- the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars." The lesser light,ut, is not actually a light at all, but only a reflector. |