The plan is to flood the Nobel committee
with thousands of testimonials of how
Dr. B saved your life. If everyone on the
forum were to send a email to 3 Nobel Medical
winners ...(who will be asked to
nominate someone for 2012) this could work.
If you want to send more emails go for it.
Their discoveries were of great
benefit to the world.
to send a email to nominate Dr B for a Nobel prize
Please include in your email your testimony as
to how Dr B saved your life and why he
deserves the Nobel prize in medicine
To spread the word & heal more folks, it
would be nice if Dr B. were to
make his book readable online for
free. Presently, you can only
read a few chapers online for free.
Having the book online would allow instant
translation. Allowing the book to be read
in any language like, Spanish, Italian, Russian,
By running the book pages thru a
online language page translator like
Since part of the book is alredy online
it would be really easy to set it up to read
the whole book online for free...
Its sorta like saying: I have a cure for cancer,
that really works, but you have to send me $20 to find it out.
If not the 2007 edition then the 2005 edition.
Dr B. can stil make money off the 2007 edition.
Dr. B would probably make more $ if he did,
as more people woud be exposed to his thinking
and want to buy the 2007 book. Also more would
sign up for his paid website:
Free Advertising is at work here, exposing millions
to Dr. B's ideas vs the death plan of the American
Diabetic Association(ADA).