
My Favorite Links

Favorite Quotes

  • The mind-boggling grotesquery of the U.S. military in 2015

  • Federal subsides for the superrich get!

  • Jobsolete --Colbert Report waste in military spending

  • Six things Nelson Mandala believed in most peopl;e won't talk about

  • Colonoscopy cost in USA $1,185 in Switzerland $655

  • Us pays $300 million for bimp and sells back to manufacture for $300,000, 1/1000 of the price to make it.

  • A Ted Cruz on Every Corner in Texas

  • The Shanghai Secret: Why China's kids excel in educstion

  • 7 horrifing truths about your chicken dinner

  • Inside the FOX news lie machine: I fact-checked Sean Hannity on Obamacare

  • 5 years after financial crash, many losers — and some big winners

  • S&P raises desperate defense against government lawsuit
    The credit rating firm being sued for its role in the financial crisis essentially argues that no one should have taken its ratings seriously in the first place.

  • Arsenic,Tylenol, Prozac, and Benadry in Our Chicken?

  • America, WTF Nation

  • USA is building the world’s first true narco-state in Afghanistan
    Its bigger than Columbia for only $664 billion spent, 2,210 Americans dead, more than 35,000 wounded after 11 years of war

  • USA considered weaponizing the Weather
    Cold War secrets: Melting polar ice cap with nukes, changing the sea level, even LSD weapons were all on the table

  • Fed approves $300 for folks losing their home in illegal bank foreclosure and gives $10,000 to 3rd part to make review for the bank of the foreclosure to look for errors tha bank made it granting foreclosure

  • Sequester: Consequence to past cuts no one thought would happen

  • New Avatar: To get the gold they will have to kill everyone of us

  • Do We Really Want to Live Without the Post Office?

  • Did I kill the post office?

  • Federal gift of land to schools went awry

  • Fake leaves will save the planet

  • Secrets and Lies of the Wall Street Bailout..Rolling Stone

  • MRSA Staph found in usa grocery store meat

  • Drug overuse in cattle imperils human health

  • Big Beef: Beef’s raw edges

  • James Bond and the killer bag lady..CIA assassins

  • In defense of contraception: My grandmother's body

  • How the Heritage foundation lies in representing the facts

  • David Horsey 2012 political cartoons

  • A Failed Formula for Worldwide War

  • Republicans responsible for failure of Economic recovery: Obstruct & Exploit

  • World's richest woman says poor should have less fun, work harder

  • Introducing the Real Romney

  • You wouldn't want to be an Olympic loser in North Korea

  • US banks get off the hook for causing 2008 world crash paid millions in fines for causing trillions

  • Your terrifying lack of imagination

  • Shell Clarifies: It Can ‘Encounter’ 95 Percent of an Arctic Oil Spill, Not Collect

  • Monsanto's Cloned Growth Hormone rBST Still Contaminates US Milk with cow pus!

  • Plumbing New Depths of Insanity in the Tea Party Crowd

    want to move to Canada “because the US is too socialist.”
  • Some outrageious facts about economic inequality in the US

  • Waste Injection wells are posioning our drinking water

  • Rating Diesel: Understanding Cetane Numbers in different types of disel fuels

  • This Republican Economy

  • Forbes Magazine: Facebook Fed The 'Ignorant' Masses An IPO Lite

  • Why We Need to Regulate Wall Street

  • How Apple sidesteps billions in paying taxes

  • GOP right-wingers and the Wall Stree Joournal oppose eliminating Electoral College

  • Collapse of the shiny pretty things

  • Why I Am Leaving Goldman Sachs By Greg Smith

  • Scientists say America is too dumb for democracy to thrive

  • Wall Street speculation blamed for gas price spike

  • What Ails the meltdown in Europe?

  • WWII vet says nobody helped after he was carjacked

  • How Wall Street Speculation is Driving Up Gasoline Prices Today

  • Even Critics of the USA Safety Net Increasingly Depend on It

  • Mitt Romney straps his family dog on his car roof for a 12 hour drive to Canada.

  • Retirees are occuppying a closed Century Aluminum smelter in WW

  • Why slashing Goverment spending will not work

  • First Federal Reserve Audit Reveals 16 Trillion in Secret Bailouts to Banks worldwide

  • How Yoga Can Wreck Your Body

  • South African farmers see threat from Fraking

  • More Plastic Debris than Plankton in the Gyres?

  • Why No Financial Crisis Prosecutions? Ex-Justice Official Says It’s Just too Hard
    I say bring the evidence to court and let a jury decide not the FBI

  • India gets its first Formula One racetrack
    Yet even as India boasts 55 billionaires, up from 49 in 2010, about 450 million of its people still lack access to a toilet. And while the middle class is estimated at anywhere from 30 million to 300 million people, depending on the criteria used, it is still a minority.

  • Prosecuting the Wall Street collapse
    The Sarbanes Oxley Act imposed strict rules for corporate governance, requiring chief executive officers and chief financial officers to certify under oath that their financial statements are accurate and that they have established an effective set of internal controls to insure that all relevant information reaches investors. Knowingly signing a false statement is a criminal offense punishable with up to five years in prison.
    All banks CEO are required to comply by signing a compliance statement.

  • At 102, therapist is too busy to die

  • Scientist finding new uses for hallucinogens and street drugs

  • In the heartland, the occupation of the near poor

  • US Banks made $13 billion on secret Federal Reserve loans

  • Wall Street Disconnected From Protests It Views As Misguided, Misdirected

  • How 18,000 American corporations avoid paying taxes by holding an address in a single four story building in the Cayman Islands.

  • Rewarding Failure: Golden Parachutes for CEO's

  • Navy commissions nuclear submarine $2.3 billion USS California ....10 more subs being constructed. Why?

  • Sup-prime auto loans new sub-prime scam? Buy here Pay here auto loans
    Part I
        Part 2     Part 3
    Consumer agency will fight to defend service members' pocketbooks

  • South Africa loses billions to courruption

  • Audit of the Federal Reserve Reveals $16 Trillion in Secret Bailouts

  • Science and religion: God didn't make man; man made gods

  • )Obama's job-creation plan largely ignores housing woes

  • Invasion of the idiocrats

  • Is Homeland Security spending paying off?
    Your chance of being killed by a terrorist in the US is 1 in 3.5 million.

  • Fed loaned $1.2 trillion in addition to the bailout to banks during 2008 financial meltdown.
    Bank of America got $91.4 billion in Fed loans. Morgan Stanley got as much as $107.3 billion

  • The richest 400 families in the US own as much wealth as the bottom 50% of the country combined

  • Japan tested its Abomb days before it surrendered

  • Climate change and the flood this time

  • Supplements for pain relief/a>

  • GE pays no taxes in 2011 and gets a $1.3 billion refund
    Was GE's tax refund a hoax

  • Are new Submarines and Aircraft Carriers needed in 20124?

  • Guess who goes to jail CEO of Countrywide or someone who lied on their morgage loan?

  • Nuclear Spent Fuel: Unsafe at any reactor

  • Japan Nuclear Disaster Caps Decades of Faked Reports, Accidents

  • Dust washers in India sweep streets for flecks of gold

  • The Liberation of Lori Berenson from prison in Peru

  • Gas Drillers Recycle Wastewater, but Risks Remain

  • Mass. company making diesel with sun, water, CO2

  • Regulation Is Lax for Water From Gas Wells

  • How the Outfit Killed JFK

  • Sidebar to JFK story..FBI agents that viewed the autospsy

  • Playboy Readers respond to JFK Outfit story

  • The Man Who Conned The Pentagon

  • All your problems, instantly solved
    Did you hear how the Republicans are currently seeking to enflame their most fearful, ignorant base by way of igniting the abortion fight all over again? Yep.

    How will they do it? By attempting to redefine rape, of course, so as to make it seem less, you know, rape-y.

    The GOP would hereby like to inform all women and especially younger girls that, unless physical force was involved, it wasn't actually rape. Therefore, if you got knocked up, the Repubs ain't paying for no slutty abortion, y'hear? Drugged, incest, statutory? Too terrified to struggle? Too bad for you, kiddo. The Republican Party hates you, and your terrifying vagina.

    Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/g/a/2011/02/02/notes020211.DTL&ao=2#ixzz1CpdmeBJD

  • Financial Crisis Was Avoidable, Federal Inquiry Finds
    So why isn't one person in Jail whose job it was to prevent it from happening?

  • Mortgage Giants Leave $160 million in Legal Bills to the Taxpayers

  • New Year's resolutions? Brain can sabotage success

  • Stop Overspending on the Military

  • African Huts Far From the Grid Glow With Renewable Power

  • Alabama Town’s Failed Pension Is a Warning

  • In a Sign of Foreclosure Flaws, Suits Claim Break-Ins by Banks

  • Harley-Davidson took $2.3 billion in federal bailout loans
    Fed Emergency Borrowers Ranged From GE to McDonald’s
    Fed's Emergency-Loan Borrowers Included Foreign Banks, Goldman Sachs, GE, McDonalds, PIMCO & Michael Dell
    Database of companies in Fed's commercial paper progam

  • Zimbabwe Health Care, Paid With Peanuts

  • Newly Built Ghost Towns Haunt Banks in Spain

  • A Secretive Banking Elite Rules Trading in Derivatives

  • Republicans create Medicaid Death Panel in AZ:
    No more money for transplants

  • Mounting State Debts Stoke Fears of a Looming Crisis

  • Wikileaks: How can the U.S. stop an insider with an agenda?

  • Fed loans out $3 trillion during 2008 economic crisist

  • Flaws can cancel life insurance after death

  • When the Tea Party comes to your town..

  • How meowners got screwed by the Banks on their Morgages

  • The British Ax, if Imported to the U.S.

  • Tick, tock...Democracy is slipping away

    How much time will it take us to destroy our 235-year-long experiment in Democracy? And how is it being done?
    The ancient orator Isocrates stated: “Democracy destroys itself because it abuses its right to freedom and equality. Because it teaches its citizens to consider audacity as a right, lawlessness as a freedom, abrasive speech as equality and anarchy as progress.”
    Tick, tock, tick, tock, tick tock.
    Eden Wynn
    Paso Robles

  • Not your problem? Act like it

  • Sunnis in Iraq Allied With U.S. Rejoin Rebels...Back to square one

  • USA's Economic future: Japan Goes From Dynamic to Disheartened

  • How Wall Street Hid Its Mortgage Mess

  • Cheap Debt for Corporations Fails to Spur Economy

  • Standard & Poor's, Fitch, and Moody's Ignored Proof of Unsafe Loans, Panel Is Told

    Standard & Poor's
  • China's massive traffic jam could last for weeks

  • Technology Leads More Park Visitors Into Trouble

  • Nature vs High Tech Brains

  • Repulicans: More American Idols

  • The unemployed horror show: 30 million looking for full time jobs
    With 14.6 million people officially jobless,
    and 5.9 million who have stopped looking but say
    they want a job, and 8.5 million who are working
    part time but would like to work full time, you end
    up with nearly 30 million Americans who cannot find
    the work they want and desperately need..

  • USA Debts Rise, and Go Unpaid, as Bust Erodes Home Equity
    $30 billion in home equity loans wriiten off.

  • Banks taking fedral bailout funds fail to pay taxes

  • Desperation Grows as Unemployment Benefits End for 1.4 million people

  • US bank failures in 2010 surpass 100

  • Jail time: Bond rating Agencies Blessed Bad Bond Deals To Pull In High Fees

  • Why Do the Credit Rating Agencies Still Live?

  • Is a city manager worth $800,000

  • Biggest Defaulters on Mortgages Are the Rich

  • Tuna’s End

  • On Wall Street, So Much Cash,$500 billion. So Little Time

  • Another BP blowout comming? ...BP Is Pursuing Alaska Drilling Some Call Risky
    BP plans to drill two miles under the sea and then six to eight miles horizontally to reach
    But BP’s project, called Liberty, has been exempted as regulators have granted it status as an “onshore” project even though it is about three miles off the coast in the Beaufort Sea. The reason: it sits on an artificial island — a 31-acre pile of gravel in about 22 feet of water — built by BP.
    BP in 2007 was aalowed to write its own environmental review for the project as well as its own consultation documents relating to the Endangered Species Act,

  • Failure of Rig’s Last Line of Defense Tied to Myriad Factors

  • Nigeia oil spill is spilling 11 million gallons a year for the last 50 years into the ocean

  • Nigeia oil spill is spilling 11 million gallons a year for the last 50 years into the ocean

  • After the Exxon oil spill

  • Artificial Intelligence: What Is I.B.M.’s Watson?

  • BP engineer called doomed rig a 'nightmare well'

  • Views Show How North Korea Policy Spread Misery

  • Toilets: A simple solution to world health issues

  • Industrial acciidents: dealy pattern

  • Who Wants to Elect a Millionaire?

  • Imagine if the Tea Party Was Black - Tim Wise

  • GOP Calls Unemployed Workers ...Lazy
    Extending the unemployment benefits will keep them from looking for a job.

  • Vegas: Building Is Booming in a City of Empty Houses
    Folks want to buy aa new home then buy a nre unused home

  • Companies challenged Poizner business claims
    He says his ex-firm invented cellphone GPS technology. Suits alleged some ideas were taken

  • The Scoop on Meg Whitman Past Deeds

  • Sex & Drugs & the Gulf Oil Spill

  • Rise of the Superweeds

  • The real scoop on the Gipper, Ronald Reagan

  • How Banks Rigged the Housing FFF bonds into AAA bonds to the bond Rating Firms Moody’s, Standard & Poor’s and Fitch

  • Bbonds that broke the US banks

  • National debt seen heading for crisis level

  • Big USA corporate companies awash in cash

    Corporate takeover commencing as they gobble up
    rivals that go belly up. In my town the local
    grocery store closed down that had been
    in business since 1920's. Recently the locally
    onwed pharmacy shut down. and the chain
    stores get bigger across America.

  • The medicalization of life: A dr speaks out by H. Gilbert Welch:

  • Africa: Lions, tents and telephones

  • U.S. Housing Aid Winds Down, and Cities Worry

  • China shift to US style privatized healthcare and the poor suffer

  • A Iranian remedy for Mississippi's health blues

  • In India, poor cancer patients rough it

  • WilWill Big Business Save the Earth? by JARED DIAMOND

  • "We must deny al-Qaida a safe haven", President Obama justifies sending 30k troops to Afghanistan ...what do you call Afghan's "tribal areas"?

  • Food Stamp Use Soars Across U.S., and Stigma Fades

  • Morgage compainies not reducing payments

  • $53 billiion wasted: U.S. Fears Iraq Development Projects May Go to Waste

  • Simmons Mattress, Bought, Drained and Sold, Then Sent to Bankruptcy

  • U.S. Cost-Saving Policy Forces New Kidney Transplant

  • Insurers Fight ALS Speech-Impairment Remedy

  • Health Care Fit for Animals

  • Hard times in Dubai

  • Us Environment Groups Find Less Support From Supreme Court

  • Hot money leads to bank failures in the usa

  • How U.S. troops stole Iraq/Afghanistan reconstruction Aid

  • PBS, Bill Moyers Journal, interview of William K. Black, former
    who cracked down on banks during the savings and loan crisis of the 1980s on the Federal bailout what happened and why it
    won't work

  • Why Obama's Bank plan won't work by Economic Nobelist Paul Krugman

  • Cowboy poetry...They're well-versed in hard times..Did farmers get bailouts in 80's?

  • How much $ did Bailouts, Korean War, New Deal cost?

  • Contractor gets 6 years for Pentagon fraud... $998,798 for shipping two 19-cent washers to an Army

  • CIA reform is needed

  • Did you know ...sony future is video

  • As It Falters, Eastern Europe Raises Risks

  • Militarizing Police Depts. With Your Bailout Money

  • Economics according to Plies...if your rich flaunt it now

  • Keynes can't help us now

  • Japan’s Big-Works Stimulus Is Lesson for U.S.

  • I'd Like My CEO Well-Done, Thanks

  • Obama screws up 10 minutes into his prsidency

  • Andrew Wyeth, Famed and Infamous Artist, Dies at 91 Andrew Wyeth, Famed and Infamous Artist, Dies at 91

  • How the economy crumbled

  • By Saying Yes, WaMu Built Empire on Shaky Loans

  • Race didn't decide the 2008 election...but was cloase if the eco0nomy didn't dive 6 weeks before the election

  • The GOP's deep hole..after the 2008 election

  • Albert Hofmann (1906-2008)....LSD Day Tripper

  • GW bush's smoking gun in comming depression

  • GW bush's xmass nightmare

  • Upgrading from a cardboard box for the homeless

  • Coming home to a new America...I left after 911

  • Happiness is contagious, research finds

  • Arctic tundra emits methane even in winter

  • Methane Burps: Ticking Time Bomb

  • Don't burn the CA brush...All he's saying is give brush a chance

  • Tibetan glaciers rapidly melting 2 times faster than expected

  • Problems Plague U.S. Flex-Fuel Fleet
    92% of the fuel used in the government's alternative-fuel fleet continues to be standard gasoline.

  • Death bloom of plankton a warning on warming

  • A Sea of Unwanted Imports...thousands of new cars being warehoused in LA port

  • Debt Linked to Buyouts Tightens the Economic Vise

  • Specter of Deflation Lurks as Global Demand Drops

  • We’re All Bankers Now. So Why’s the A.T.M. Still Charging Us $2?

  • Nationalization Has Happened Before in U.S.

  • Meet Sarah Palin's radical right-wing pals

  • Mad Dog Palin...Rolling Stone

  • McCain...Make-Believe Maverick...Rolling Stone

  • One in 4 mammals face extinction

  • The GOP goes back to its ugly roots

  • Why buying Wall Streets Debt is a bad idea

  • A race to use less gas in the long haul

  • A race to use less gas in the long haul

  • Obama profile: Ability to evolve and adapt

  • Lunatic Drug Warriors Still Ignore Powerful Pot Science

  • Florida Deal for Everglades May Help Big Sugar

  • Once Elected, Palin Hired Friends and Lashed Foes

  • What small-town America is saying about Obama

  • A History of US Public Bailouts..US banker of last resort

  • Is California on the Brink of Environmental Collapse?

  • Cindy McCain was 'unsure' as to how many half-sisters she has and would have a staff member look into it

  • Bush ordered the CIA to fake a letter linking Saddam Hussein to al-Qaida to 911

  • Breakthrough in Solar Energy by MIT

  • USA's bats are vanishing: a dark night for bats

  • s Afghanistan a Narco-State?

  • Beware the promise of offshore drilling

  • The old man who farms with the sea

  • A deluge waiting to happen in the midwest

  • Your water footprint
    Is a Big Hunk of Steak Worth Almost 2,000 Gallons of Water?

  • Oil Barons Continue to Rape U.S. Economy

  • How did a company run by a 21-year-old president and a 25-year-old former masseur get a sensitive $300 million contract to supply ammunition to Afghan forces?

  • U.S. seeking 58 bases in Iraq, Shiite lawmakers say

  • The dirt on bottle water:Bottlemania

  • Why is disel more expensive than gas?

  • Water Is a New Battleground in Spain

  • $535 billion spent so far...Has life in Iraq improved?
    With pools of open sewage in the streets and little electricity, life for most Iraqis remains bleak.

  • Coral Castle..Secrets of how the Egyptians build their pyramids

  • Doctor finds higher calling when death knocks

  • So long, Canada
    Strict new border policies are turning Canada into a foreign country. Is this any way to treat our neighbors?

  • In Wyoming, the Dark Side of America’s Thirst for Energy

  • Melting Polar ice is Posioned

  • US goverment awards $300 million contract to a 22 year old guy to supply arms to Afghanistan's police and army forces.
    Most of the arms and ammunition that is more than 40 years old and in decomposing packaging,

  • Costly Lesson on How Not to Build a US Navy Ship

  • When bananas ruled the world
    Intrigue. Power. Corruption. Death. Sex. The history of oil has nothing on that of the yellow fruit.

  • The 50th Anniversary Of The Peace Symbol..who made it

  • Paid to Control Drug Costs, Yet Pushing Some Prices Higher
    $389,000 for the drug Soliris,

  • The Tiger Cages of of South Vietnam...1,000 times worst than McCains Prison

  • Are electric cars really more energy efficient? Do "green" vehicles have a worse impact on the environment than a Hummer?

  • Jemma Leech: Gifted and Disabled: 10-Year-Old Beats the Odds in Essay Contest and in Life
    JEMMA LEECH at age 8...Winner of the Times Educational Supplement Write Away Competition in Jan. 2006

  • Military feels fuel-cost gouge in Iraq

  • The Great USA Depression: The sequel

  • McCain's Vietnam obsession

  • An elusive billionaire gives away his good fortune

  • Is it the NBA or NFL?

  • Q: How many politicians does it take to change a light bulb?
    A: Two. One to assure the public that everything possible is being done
    while the other screws it into a water faucet.

  • Exxon Valdez oil spill lingers in Alaska..19 years later

  • What's going on in Afghanistan...PBS Bill Moyers Jouranl

  • Inside the world of Iraq war profiteers

  • Health Net ordered to pay $9 million after canceling cancer patient's policy

  • Cops on steroids..this may explain a few things

  • Venezuela declares war on USA...12% of refined gas and oil imports comes from Venezuela

  • Privitized Voting Vendors

  • McCain and the Keating 5 Lincoln Saving/Loan Bank Failure

  • Biofuel crops increase carbon emissions

  • Is US on it's way to becomming literally litter-free?

  • Haiti’s poor resort to eating mud as prices rise

  • John McCain's POW story

  • A Tenfold Improvement in Battery Life?

  • Salmon arriving in record low numbers in California

  • Q: How many military information officers does it take to change a light bulb? A: At the present point in time it is against policy and the best interests of military strategy to divulge infor

  • Rethinking the Meat-Guzzler

  • U.S. Asking Iraq for Wide Rights on War

  • Bush tries to pardon himself against possible war crimes

  • Jenna Bush secretly purchases 99,000 acre ranch in extradiation free Paraquay.

  • Truth about the Pirus Hybrid: $9,350 to fix the Automatic Transmission or Transaxle

  • John Seed and the Council of All Beings Part III

  • The car of the future is here
    The Prius? Nope. Hydrogen? Forget about it.Extreme Hybrids are the way to go

  • Skytherm house: water heating/cooling system

    more on Skytherm house

  • Cancer (cell) phones

  • An Oil Quandary: Costly Fuel, Costly Calories

  • Recreational Drugs FAR Less Likely to Kill You than Prescribed Drugs!

  • No bears for oil
    Why hasn't the polar bear been granted federal protection? Maybe because
    the Bush administration plans a last-minute handout of oil
    leases on its habitat.

  • Do My Breast Implants Have a Warranty?

  • Europe Takes Africa’s Fish, and Migrants Follow

  • World's Oceans reverting back to day one: algae, bacteria, and Jellyfish
    More on Jellyfish and slime

  • What really saved the rainforest for the last 30 years..it wasn't grrenpeace

  • Nanowire battery can hold 10 times the charge of existing lithium-ion battery

  • How to solve America's water problems

  • Can You Count On These Voting Machines?

  • Original blueprints for 200 mpg carburetor found in England

  • Bush, Maliki Break Iraqi Law to Renew U.N. Mandate for Occupation

  • Water demand sinking Palm Springs, CA

  • IRS Spends $188,000 on Clerical Contrac at $128/hour

  • The walls around Bush's Iraq strategy

  • State of the planet, in graphics

  • State of the planet, in graphics

  • Mexican Soldiers Find Hybrid Pot Plants

  • Unintended victims of Gates Foundation generosity

  • Greenland ice melts at record rate, scientists find...slo tribune

  • Ominous Arctic melt worries experts...slo tribune

  • Rate of ice melt shocks warming experts at North Pole

  • Gang Rape Cover-Up by US, Halliburton/KBR

  • Surving Childhood up in the 1930's thru 1970's

  • Disasters of the USA Drug War
    92-year-old black woman shot to death when Atlanta narcotics officers burs

  • Oil-Rich Nations Use More Energy, Cutting Exports

  • Aspartame: What You Don't Know Can Hurt You

  • Forest Loss in Sumatra Becomes a Global Issue

  • Foreclosure-proof homes?

  • USA National Debt Grows $1 Million a Minute or $1.4 billion a day

  • 3rd most courrput country on the planet: Iraq

  • America's taxi capital: Bethel, Alaska

  • Medicare gets screwed by suppliers

  • 1/4 of U.S. bird species at risk of extinction

  • A little Wood stove saves the planet

  • Euro/Dollars crisis politicians don't want to talk about

  • Surfer dude stuns physicists with theory of everything

  • Katrina, Rita Caused Forestry Disaster...

  • Woman in Saudi Arabia gets 200 lashes and prison time for being gang raped

  • Child witches in Africa

  • Ex-Bush strategist Matthew Dowd looks back in sadness

  • Quote: Dowd is not the first Bush ally to part with the administration. Former Treasury Secretary Paul H. O'Neill contributed to a book that likened the president at Cabinet meetings to a "blind man in a roomful of deaf people." John J. Dilulio Jr., who led the White House office of faith-based initiatives, left with a shot at "Mayberry Machiavellis." Retired Army Lt. Gen. Ricardo S. Sanchez, who once led U.S. forces in Iraq, accused the administration of going to war with a "catastrophically flawed" plan.

  • Queuing for crumbs in a Zimbabwe bread line

  • Monsanto and the US Goverment Connection

  • Fire fighting the Russian way

  • Iraqi Police Barracks Go Unrepaired

  • Outsider, comes up with a cure for cancer and desalinating seawater

  • if you think getting your USA driver's license is rough try getting one in South Africa

  • California Burning: Mothher Nature's revenge???

  • Rethinking California Fire Policy in the Tinderbox Zone

    Here in Canada, our First Nations (Native Canadians) have a saying:
    When the last river has been poisoned When the last tree has been cut down
    When the last animal has been killed Then you will know you cannot eat money.
    - Joan Zarbatany Toronto Canada

  • Corporate Greed, Intellectual Property Laws and the Destruction of Human Civilization

  • Sich Discovers Chernobyl Worse than Prior Reports

  • Iraqis Weigh Limits on US Military

  • Mass-extinction is a comming with warmer seas

  • USA Drought: The Future Is Drying Up

  • Earth to PETA

  • World Finacial Meltdown comming soon

  • Fight Against Coal Plants Is Creating Diverse Partnerships

  • Let's abolish the Electoral College

  • Remote Parts of Glacier National Park Said Polluted

  • Envirmomental Doomsayers: Stop your sobbing

  • Seattle’s Recycling Success Is Being Measured in Scraps

  • The USA presidential primary scam

  • Product still on shelvs after recall ...still killing people

  • Enviromental War: Another disaster brews in Darfur

  • The dark truth about Blackwater

  • Cheap Solar panels comming soon

  • Dowry violence in India

    "Great powers should never get involved in the politics of small tribes" -- Lebanese Historian Kamal Salibi

  • The End Of The World?

  • World's animals disappearing

  • Radio Frequencies Burn Hydrogen in Salt Water as a Fuel

  • Torture school for kids...and you thought your school was bad

  • Is Mysterious Cancer killing US soldiers in Iraq,/a>

  • Who started the US National Debt???

  • The Great Iraq Swindle
    How Bush Allowed an Army of For-Profit Contractors to Invade the U.S. Treasury

  • Ellen Goodman's Gender awards for 2007

  • If your a from North & South America your not human according to the bible.


  • Pentagon Paid $998,798 to Ship Two 19-Cent Washers

  • Why Iraqis oppose U.S.-backed oil law Workers think foreign firms will take over

  • OIl firms invest 50% of their profits in share repurchasing instead of investing

  • Global DimmingPollution preventing 30% of sunlight from reaching the Earth.

  • Jets vapor trails cooling down global warmning

  • USA Backyard Birds disappearing.

    Read Audubon Report....

    Illinois Birds....

    California Birds....

  • And you thought AMTRACK trains were bad. Check out Guatemala trains

  • Worse than Chernobyl: 'dirty timebomb' ticking in a rusting Russian nuclear dump threatens Europe

  • Firm Recalls Frozen Fish from China: Puffer fish toxin found
    "Puffer fish poison is really one of the most toxic things you can find in food";

    "When Man stops following Natures way, then comes artificial codes of right and wrong."--Lao Tzu #28

  • What?s killing the honeybees???

  • Are Cell Phones Killing the Bees???

  • Ebola-like virus killing fish in Great Lakes

  • Dead, diseased fish found in Shenandoah River and its branches

  • Global Positioning System at the Mercy of Solar Flares

  • Vital Signs: An Antibiotic Runs Amok

  • Will Chinese anti-satellite test ...bring down all the worlds satelites Will the critical mass of space junk be enough now to start a chain reaction with the worlds space satellites???? The Chinese test added 800 new pieces of space junk to space. Update 9/2007: 800 pieces of space junk has now morphed into 40,000 pieces of junk..

  • Satellite Chain Reaction

  • Map of Chinese Satelite Debri Field

  • National debt load is a fiscal time bomb

  • Billions of bees missing...in 24 states

  • One in 6 on welfare in the USA

  • John Lennon...working class hero

  • Is Self-help gone nutty?

  • I was a Reaganite think-tanker..in the shallow end of the tank

  • Forget Global Warming... World PLAGUE is a comming....

  • Ozone Hole Growing...1979-2006..Discover Magazine/ Jan 2006

  • How the Japanese save energy

  • Mexico troops find hybrid marijuana plant

  • UN:The World Distribution of Household Wealth
    UN:The World Distribution of Household Wealth
    To be among the richest 10% of adults in the world required $61,000 in assets, and more than $500,000 was needed to belong to the richest 1% To be among the richest 50% of adults in the world required $2,200in assets.

    The 1% club has 37 million members. There were 13,568,229 millionaires in 2000 and 499 billionaires in 2000

    The richest 2 % of adults own more than half the world’s wealth The richest 10 % of adults accounted for 85 % of assets. Half of the world's Adult population must make do with 1% of global wealth.

    According to Bilbe Jesus said: "It's easier for a camel to get throught the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to get into heaven". This is repeated twice in the Bible by Mark: 10:24 and Matthew: 19:25. Very few things are repeted twice in the Bible.

  • Cell, TV towers pose risk for birds One TV tower in Chippewa Wisonsin killed 120,000 birds over 40 years.

  • Navajos get the shaft over waste from Urnaium Mines

  • Is America's $8 Billion Bottled Water Industry a Fraud?

  • Money is root of anti-social behavior, study says
    "Money makes it possible for people to achieve their goals without having to ask friends or acquaintances for help. Therefore, Vohs and her colleagues theorized that even subtle reminders of money would inspire people to be self-reliant and to expect such behavior from others."

  • Contaminants in Lake Mead appear linked to gender changes in fish

  • The Rich(USA) Are Getting Much Richer, Much Faster Than Everyone Else
    In 2004, the richest 1 percent of households - 719,910 of them, with an average annual income of $326,720 - had 19.8 percent of the entire nation's pretax income. That's up from 17.8 percent a year earlier, according to a study by University of California-Berkeley economist Emmanuel Saez.

  • World Fisheries face collapse by 2048, study warns
    In 2005 ....60% of worlds fishers have already collapsed

  • Insurance companies retroacitvely dropping sick people
    According to Paul Krugman who writes for the New York Times: "In the US economy manufacturing has loss 18% since 2002 to 14.2 million. Meanwhile employment in the private health service industry has risen 16% to 12.6 million. An additinal 1.3 million are employed at goverment hospitals.

    Between 200 and 2005 private health insurance coverage fell 1% Buat over the same period employment at helath insurance companies rose 32 percent.

    What are these new ensurance employees doing working harder than ever at indentifying people who really need medical care and ensuring that they don't get it."

  • President's Bushes Grandfather... Prescott Bush... and the Nazi connection

  • Top 10 Pot Studies Government Wished it Had Never Funded

  • $4 billion spent since 1989 and not 1 gallon of nuclear waste processed

  • King Bush Information Control..by Leonard Pitts Jr.

  • Jack Nicholson's 1978 Hydrogen Car

  • Islam Defector Speaks Up

  • War on Terror: Fear sells better than sex

  • A Thinkers Tale

  • Is Bush Impeachable According to the US House Judciary Committee's Report "The Constitution in Crisis", bus is charged with violating 26 Laws, Each violation is a impeachable offense.

  • Building Zero Carbon Houses in China

  • Are soybeans safe as used in the USA?
    In the far east soybeans are fermentented to make miso, tempeh and natto In fermenting the Soybeans are femented to remove toxins and phytic acid (which can interfere with the digestion.

  • A cool solution to Nuclear waste disposal

  • This movie makes 911 look like bambi
    Film maker Aaron Russo new film America: freedom to fascism ask the question : Is their a law that requires american citizens to pay income taxes?

  • Oceans reverting back to day 1: Slime and Jelly fish return

  • Amazon drought in 2nd year

  • Easier way to make ethanol...at $1 or less/gallon

  • 12 Myths About World Hunger

  • Greenland's Ice Sheet Is Slip-Sliding Away

  • The Greenland ice sheet is now melting three times faster than predicted

  • Icy Greenland turning Green

  • Thawing Permafrost Could Supercharge Warming, 500 billion more tons of carbone found

  • Climate warning as Siberia melts
    CO2 estiamtes double as worlds Largest (size of France & Germany) peat bog melts in Siberia melts. Gore needs to update his movie its outdated.

  • Forget Da Vinci Code...the Holy Grail's is in Valencia Spain

  • Holy Grail's history

  • Iraq's Shiites Now Chafe at American Presence

  • Grannies' keep anti-war crusade alive

  • Outsouring America

  • Outsouring US Highways

  • Add acetone to your gas and get 268 mpg

  • Death March of the Penguins...what the movie doesn't tell you

  • Cosco vs the Bush Drug Plan

    Cosco vs the Bush Drug Plan story #2

  • Exon Mobil:Enemy of the Enviroment

  • "How many members of the Bush administration does it take to change a light bulb?" Nine.

  • Benjamin Franklin: "Those who would sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither."

  • The war is over in Iraq? Celebrate

  • Why are we in Iraq?
    "Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."
    -- Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials

  • Iraq War cost now 1- 2 Trillion $

  • Pentagon pays $20 for $0.85 ice cube tray.

  • Gassifier...Pollution free Energy

    Barry Shows Gasification Machine, But Can't Turn It On

  • USA Oil Refineries

    In 1981 there were 324 oil refineries in the US.
    In 2005 there were 149 oil refineriers in the US
    A lost of 175 refineries since 1981.
    No new oil refineriers have been built in the US in the last 30 years.

  • Joe Williams, saves the world with a device that reduces pollution and improves gas milage as a add-on to the cars carburator

    Joe Willimas, a Canadian claims to have created a device to feed oxygen and hydrogen into the air intake of any internal combustion, significantly improving combustion efficiency and fuel efficiency, and dramatically issions :

  • Hybrid retro-fit kit to change any engine into a hybrid electric

    Sigma Automotive is in the process of bringing to market a retro-fit kit that will allow a person to turn any internal combustion engine vehicle in to a hybrid electric :

  • The US Army Corp of Engineers Knew & Expected flodding in NO

    "The Army Corps of Engineers did a computer simulation study last year, 2004, of the effect of a category 3 hurricane, with winds of 130 MPH, on New Orleans. It showed a similar level of deaths, devastation and levee breaches. So, officials knew what was looming, sooner or later. Katrina hit land as a category 4, with 140 MPH winds."

  • FEMA: The secret goverment Exposed

    "FEMMA spends only " 6 percent of its budget on national emergencies, the bulk of their funding has been used for the construction of secret underground facilities to assure continuity of government in case of a major emergency, foreign or domestic."

    ...ah isn't the cold war over???? Why is FEMMA building underground shelters??? You would think after 50 years of shelter building there would be plenty of shelters"

  • FEMA: The secret goverment

  • New Orleans: Goverment saw flood risks but not levee failure

  • Netherlands amazed New Orleans Levees failed and didn't have a plan to evacuate or fix it. "With half of the country's population of 16 million living below sea level, the Netherlands prepared for a "perfect storm" soon after floods in 1953 killed 2,000 people"

  • US Goverment spent $430 million over the last 10 years fixing New Orlenans, Levees.

  • USA Dictatorship????

  • The Real Bush Speaks

  • Ford, GM crushing Electric Cars

  • Prius plug in gets 250 mpg

  • Fuel cells bring clean power to rural areas

  • Cost of War in Iraq

  • Colors

  • Gas?Water Car gets 100 mpg with 4oz of water

  • Plans to build your own water car

  • Solar Car gets 10,000 miles to the gallons

  • Human Rainbow

  • Nuclear Energy Can't solve Global Warming

  • Bush Cartoons

  • A collection of Religious right leader quotes.-- Scary

  • Japan reduces oil consuption ...while USA sucks it up

  • Is Yosemite ready to blow and take the world with it?

  • Check out Jim Galloways columns on how we got into the mess in Iraq

  • Take a ride thru Chernobyl Gost Town

  • US jobs lost under BUSH

  • Chicken Powered car

  • Compressed Air Powered carAir cars where used to haul coal in coal mines back in the 1900's. Coal train weights alot

  • History of Air cars...Air cars were used in Minning
  • Magnetic Motor consumes little electricity

  • Anything into oil

  • Voter Fraud in the Florida 2004 election.. Did Kerry Win?????

  • How I won the election by G. Bush

  • The REAL reason we're at war in Iraq

  • How a USA boy scout built a breeder reactor in his backyard for his nuclear merit badge

  • 95% of Alskan costal plains already open to oil drilling
  • Make Sex Illegal